miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

Could you help me?

Hello to everyone!

I know this is not a 'normal' post on the blog, I have been thinking of changing some stuff and until this moment I have made the blog look better (in my opinion). I have started writing in english and spanish recently and I would like to organize all the posts in different categories. Also, I'd like to make this blog more versatile, keeping the posts about the short stories (the ones I am writing now) but at the same time focusing on different styles of writing such as posts about travels, opinions, critics, advices...  

This is why I need help, I would like to know how to create a pull-down menu on my blog, this would help you to find the posts in english and in spanish and at the same time it would be easier to find the ones that are opinions or the short stories, or whatever...

Usually I don't receive comments but this time I am asking you for help, so please if you know the way I could do it: a website, a video on youtube or anything that could help me with the HTML codes or other ways to do it, feel free to comment, you can do it anonymously, so if you know a way to do it don't doubt of telling me.

Thank you for reading me and thank you for helping me if you decide to do it, my purpose for this blog is to create a space where you can read things to enjoy them and to enrich (in a way) my readers if I can share with you all things that I find interesting or curious.

Thank you for reading me.
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Have a nice day and don't doubt in comment if you feel like doing it.

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2 comentarios:

  1. Para hacer un menu desplegable sigue los siguientes pasas:

    1ª Al entrar en tu blog debajo de Posts o al final de la entrada saldra el icono de " Editar"

    2º Clickeas y te saldrá una ventana para configurar la ventana, veras que el estilo puesto es Jerarquía, cámbialo al ultimo, que es menú desplegable.

    Espero que sea de ayuda

    1. Muchas gracias, lo intentaré a ver si me convence como queda. Gracias por leer el blog. ¡Un saludo!
